April 2021 Hike Schedule

Highlands Hiking Club

April 2021 Hike Schedule


  • You must be a member of the club, or guest of a member, to join a hike (except for “Orientation” hikes).
  • Email/Phone the assigned Hike Leader to sign up, or for questions. 
  • Departure is ALWAYS from the Highlands Clubhouse parking lot at time listed.  If NOT the clubhouse parking, the hike description will clearly state.
  • Please be there 10 minutes early to check-in.
  • ALWAYS bring enough WATER to last for the time your hike takes, ENERGY SNACKS, & LUNCH if lasting over the noon hour.

ORIENTATION HIKE: For your safety & to facilitate enjoyable group hiking, we require that everyone do an Orientation Hike” before signing for hikes.  If you or someone you know wants to do an orientation hike, call or email Gordon Hanson  520-744-4510 gordonphanson@gmail.com.

Hiking Photos:

Hiking photos from the past 12 months are stored in a “Flickr” photo storage area.  You can access these photos from the Hiking Club web site- HighlandsatDoveMountain/Resident Login/ Lifestyle/Clubs/Hiking Club.  Under “Hike Photo Albums” click

Recent Hike Albums (2017 forward). (Or paste https://www.flickr.com/photos/144132723@N07/albums into your browser)


Thursday, April 1       Highlands Golf Course  Pace: moderate/steady or set your own pace.  Level C+, 3.3 or 6.6 miles, 500ft

Hike Leader: Claudia Holzemer (408) 828-2860        Depart: 7:00am    Est. time of return: 10:00am.  

Be aware we want to retain the privilege of walking on the golf course this one morning of the week. There are workers or golfers on the course, we have to watch for their vehicles and move out of their way. For April, golf starts on #10. (Check the Week Ahead to confirm). We leave together from hike meeting spot in the clubhouse parking lot.  We will start on the selected tee must be finished with this part by 9:00 am, and be off the course by 10:30am. You can choose to stop at the half-way point.  We leave together from hiking meeting spot in the clubhouse parking lot. It is not necessary for everyone to go at the same pace, since we can always knock on a neighbor’s door in case of emergency.  When you show up, PLEASE wear a mask at the meeting location in the parking lot to check-in for miles walked credit.  You can hike on your own. If you want Hiking Club miles credit, send an email to Dennis Eberlein (dcwe514@aol.com).  No sign up needed.  No carpool fee.

Friday, April 2. Tunnel Spring Loop Trails (Santa Rita Mountains)             Pace: Steady  Level B+, 10.3 miles, 1700 ft.

Hike Leader: David Rogers 579-2585 drogers5190@gmail.com              Depart: 7:00 am        Est time of return 5:00 pm

This is a beautiful area, even more so if the streams are running.  We travel southeast down scenic AZ Hwy 83- the drive is worth the trip- and 9 miles more on a dirt road past the Apache Springs Trailhead, into a camping area.  We hike a combination of trails to make a nice loop.  We’ll hike a mile+ up a rough jeep road to the Link Trail. Then we will hike up the Gardner Canyon Trail to the Walker Basin Trail. This area is on the eastern slopes of Mount Wrightson of which we get great views. Next we hike down the Walker Basin Trail to the Chinaman / Ditch Trail. The later trail is part of the Arizona Trail. We will pass by Bear Springs before entering the most beautiful, dynamic, and interesting part of the hike along the Ditch to Tunnel Springs. The Ditch was a big part of the mining history here. The scenery is stunning. We continue on the Arizona trail back to the start point. LIMIT of 4 hikers unless another high clearance vehicle volunteers to drive. Car pooling available for those with no virus symptoms/exposures – mask required. Carpool fee is $8 (144 Miles)

Saturday, April 3 :  Upper Javelina to Wild Mustang trail first Bench. Level B+.Return same route.  6.5 miles, 1200 elevation. -Hike Leader Jim/Gail Githens, leaders 651-303-3932, ggithens3@aol.com . Depart 8:00.

Meet at North side of Caytons parking lot.  Please sign up ahead of time with either.

 Monday, April 5       Jeffords Peak/Tortolita High Point    (Tortolita Mtns.)

Pace:  Moderate        Level:  B      Mileage: 6.4      Cumulative Elevation Gain:  1300 ft.

Hike Leader:  Ron Sturm  ron.sturm@centurylink.net (best), or 304-520-7587.   Place:  Highlands Parking Lot   Depart:  7:00 A.M.    Return:  2:00 P.M.

This new hike will take us to the highest point of the Tortillita Mtns.  Named for Tom Jeffords, the famous Indian Scout and friend of Cochise, this peak provides broad views of the entire area between the town of Catalina on the Oracle Road, and the Ritz-Carlton.  The hike route at first follows an old road, then goes cross-country over the rolling grass and shrub-covered hills, eventually reaching the top of the peak.  It is not a difficult hike.  Slopes are gentle and brush is minimal, although long pants are recommended.  The Trailhead is Crow Windmill, which is located 5.4 miles west of Catalina, on a dirt road (Edwin Road) which follows the Pima/Pinal County Line.  Contact Hike Leader for a map.  High-clearance vehicles are recommended.  Legally, each hiker is required to have an Arizona State Trust Lands permit, which costs $15 and is good on all Arizona State Lands for a year.  Carpooling is not offered, but can be arranged by the individual hikers among themselves.  Bring food and water as needed. 

April 6 Jolly Rancher-Old Thornydale Loop Hike:  Moderate to Leisurely, Level C+, 6 miles, 350 feet

Hike Leader: Ken Rogner 708-205-6721  kwrogner@gmail.com Highlands parking lot at 8:00 am   Est. time of return: 11:00 AM

This hike departs from the Highlands parking lot, crosses Dove Mountain Blvd and wanders through the future site of the Tapestry development.  Previously this hike had a turnaround point at Fry’s Starbucks or McDonalds for coffee but due to Covid-19 restrictions, it now wanders through the old ranchland then up the original 2-track Thornydale Drive and connects to the new paved N Thornydale Rd then down to a connecting trail and back up and returns to the parking lot.  We hike through the desert with one steep and rocky incline and descent that is more comfortable with hiking poles.  You have a good chance of seeing wildlife, javelina, deer and coyote.  A really great view of the Highlands from the top.  This is a great hike for new hikers or new members to club.  Wear good boots and bring water so you can enjoy the Jolly Rancher at the half-way point.  No carpool fee.

Wednesday April 7   Hope Camp Trail/John Quilter Trail (Rincon Mtns)   Pace: Moderate with stops, Level B-, 7.6 miles 1000 ft

Hike Leader: Chuck Fish 651-815-3895 charlesfish01@yahoo.com,     Depart: meet at 7:45 am in Highlands parking lot to receive map to trailhead and discuss carpooling, Est return: 3:30 pm

Our hike starts at the Loma Alta Trailhead which is located in the Saquaro National Park East. The first 2.3 miles is on the Hope Camp Trail which is a gravel road that offers views on the horizon, west to east, that you will see Tanque Verde Peak, Mica Mountain, and Rincon Peak. The John Quilter Trail is part of the Arizona Trail that was named for a Park Service ranger who died on the trail in 2006. We will only venture about 1.5 miles into the trail until we come across a rock cropping in a wash area. Lunch and return on the same path. Bring plenty of water, snacks, and lunch.  (45 minutes, 42 miles to trailhead)


Thursday, April 8       Highlands Golf Course  Pace: moderate/steady or set your own pace.  Level C+, 3.3 or 6.6 miles, 500ft

Hike Leader: Claudia Holzemer(408) 828-2860    Depart: 7:00am    Est. time of return: 10:00am. 

Hike Leader Bert Nestor 630-740-0605     Depart: 8:00a Est. time of return: 11:00am

Be aware we want to retain the privilege of walking on the golf course this one morning of the week. There are workers or golfers on the course, we have to watch for their vehicles and move out of their way. For April, golf starts on #10. (Check the Week Ahead to confirm). We leave together from hike meeting spot in the clubhouse parking lot.  We will start on the selected tee must be finished with this part by 9:00 am, and be off the course by 10:30am. You can choose to stop at the half-way point.  We leave together from hiking meeting spot in the clubhouse parking lot. It is not necessary for everyone to go at the same pace, since we can always knock on a neighbor’s door in case of emergency.  When you show up, PLEASE wear a mask at the meeting location in the parking lot to check-in for miles walked credit.  You can hike on your own. If you want Hiking Club miles credit, send an email to Dennis Eberlein (dcwe514@aol.com).  No sign up needed.  No carpool fee.

Friday, April 9   A Table and 2 Water Tanks (Catalina Mtn foothills)                 Pace: Steady  Level: A, 10.8 miles, 2,100ft

Hike Leader: David Rogers 579-2585    drogers5190@gmail.com                 Depart: 7:00am                Est. time of return: 3:00pm

This is a great hiking loop in the Golder Ranch area- nice trails and rocks, super desert plants, and vistas.  We’ll hike the MidTank trail to tank #1, then proceed to the Baby Jesus trail. We look for a hard to find exit and faint trail (Your hike leader will do an exploratory hike, just for you, to make sure we can find it).  This part of the hike will be kinda like bushwhacking (actually an adventure).  We’ll get some elevation up the Samaniega Spring trail to tank#2, and a picnic table/rock vista at the top of a ridge.  We return via the Baby Jesus Trail. $2 per person carpool fee.  (33 Miles)

Saturday, April 10: Ritz 3 Mile Loop; Level E (Easy) Wild Burro, Dove Mtn Trail and Secret Springs Drive

Hike Leader John Skillicorn  (320) 282-8463  jjskilly@gmail.com. Meet at Ritz coffee shop 8:00am.

Saturday April 10  Cochie Canyon Overlook (Tortolita Mtn) Pace: Moderate, Level C+, 5.8 miles, 750ft

 Hike Leader: Gary Kvasnica  920-740-7643  kvasnica@live.com  Depart 8:00 AM from the Ritz Coffee shop.   Est time of return 12:00 PM. 

This hike will start outside of the coffee shop.   If you would like coffee, you should get there earlier. We will hike to the Cochie Canyon Overlook using the shortest route.   We will stop for a short snack at the boulders by the Overlook and then return the way we came.    Bring plenty of water and a snack.  

Monday, April 12        Palisades Trail       (Catalina Mtns.)

Pace:  Steady     Level:  A-     Mileage:  11.2            Cumulative Elevation Gain:  1520 ft.

Hike Leader:  Ron Sturm ron.sturm@centurylink.net (best), or 304-520-7587

Meeting Place:  Highlands Parking Lot        Depart:  7:00 A.M.        Return:  4:00 P.M.

We start this hike at the Palisades Visitor Center up on Mt. Lemmon, and hike down the mountain to connect with the East Fork Trail, which we then follow eastward past Sycamore Reservoir to Prison Camp (Hirabayashi Rec. Area).  Portions of this trail were recently re-opened to allow AZ Trail thru-hikers passage through areas closed due to the Bighorn Fire.  We will park at Prison Camp, then ferry hikers to the top of the mountain to start the hike (masks required!), so we will need one or two volunteer drivers with cars for the ferry operation, both before and after the hike.   A map of the hike area will be provided upon request.  Hikers can carpool from the Highlands to Prison Camp, or drive individually, as they choose.  Bring food and water, as needed. 


Thursday, April 15  Highlands Golf Course   Pace: moderate/steady or set your own pace.  Level C+, 3.3 or 6.6 miles, 500ft

Hike Leader: Claudia Holzemer  (408) 828-2860 : 7:00am Est. time of return: 10:00am

Hike Leader Bert Nestor 630-740-0605     Depart: 8:00a Est. time of return: 11:00am

Be aware we want to retain the privilege of walking on the golf course this one morning of the week. There are workers or golfers on the course, we have to watch for their vehicles and move out of their way. For April, golf starts on #10. (Check the Week Ahead to confirm). We leave together from hike meeting spot in the clubhouse parking lot.  We will start on the selected tee must be finished with this part by 9:00 am, and be off the course by 10:30am. You can choose to stop at the half-way point.  We leave together from hiking meeting spot in the clubhouse parking lot. It is not necessary for everyone to go at the same pace, since we can always knock on a neighbor’s door in case of emergency.  When you show up, PLEASE wear a mask at the meeting location in the parking lot to check-in for miles walked credit.  You can hike on your own. If you want Hiking Club miles credit, send an email to Dennis Eberlein (dcwe514@aol.com).  No sign up needed.  No carpool fee.

Thursday, April 15  Sutherland/Canyon Loop Trails (Cataline State Park) Pace: Leisurely

Level: C+, 6 miles, 800 ft 

Hike Leaders: Linda Hanson (744-4510) lindahanson913@gmail.com

Gordon Hanson  gordonphanson@gmail.com  Depart:8:00 a.m.  Est. time of return: 1:30
Enjoy fabulous views of the Catalina Mountains and an abundance of stately saguaros! Starting from the trailhead in the Catalina State Park, we will take the Canyon Loop Trail clockwise to the intersection with the Sutherland Trail. We will continue on the Sutherland Trail to a stunning wash that often boasts running water. After a lunch break, we will return on the Sutherland Trail to the Canyon Loop Trail and continue back to our cars. This trail surface is well traveled, not overly rocky, and with minimal wash sand. Arizona State Park entrance fee $7.00 per car or Arizona State Parks Annual Pass.

Friday, April 16   Aspen/Wilderness of Rocks Trails   Pace: Steady  Level: Level: A-, 10 miles, 3,000 Est. ft

Hike Leader: David Rogers 579-2585    drogers5190@gmail.com       Depart: 7:00am      Est. return: 5:00pm

The Forest Service has just re-opened these trails.  We start just past Summerhaven, on the Aspen Trail.  We’ll see Aspen trees, or course, but also ponderosa pines, Douglas-fir and silverleaf oaks. Then we go on the Wilderness of Rocks trail with its picturesque rock formations, including the “general”. We’ll go 1.25 miles down the AZ Trail (aka Lemmon Trail) toward Romero Pass, and return to a huge granite overlook for lunch.  Then we return the same route. $7 per person carpool fee. (118 Miles) 

Friday, April 16 Lower Javelina Trail (Orientation Hike)    Pace: Leisurely               

Level: D, 3 miles, 280 ft.

 Hike Leader: Gordon Hanson 744-4510  (home) gordonphanson@gmail.com        Depart 8:00am   Est. time of return: 10:30am

Orientation hikes are offered to members new to the Club, new to hiking in the desert, or current hikers looking for a pleasant short hike.  Orientation Program consists of a discussion and a sample 3-mile hike. Contact Gordon Hanson by Thursday to sign up. 

We will meet in the Highlands parking lot before departing to the Ritz trailhead in Wild Burro Canyon.  We’ll take the west portion of Lower Javelina trail gaining a little under three hundred feet, then drop back into Wild Burro Wash to return using the Wild Burro trail.  Bring water and a snack.  No carpool fee. 

We will practice social distancing when hiking but please bring masks to wear when in groups.

Saturday, April 17 : Ritz coffee shop to Alamo Springs via the Wild Burro Spur and return via the Alamo Springs Trail and Alamo Spur. Level B . 6 miles and 1000 feet elevation. Co-hike leaders Jim/Gail Githens at ggithens3@aol.com .

Meet at coffee shop at 8 am outside . Sign up ahead of time.

Wednesday, April 21- Canyon View Trail (Canyon Pass in Tortolita Mtns) Pace: Moderate  Level C+, 3.5 miles, 900ft   Hike Leaders: Dennis Eberlein (248-895-4045) dcwe514@aol.com  and Claudia Holzemer (408-828-2860) cholzemer@comcast.net. Depart Highlands Clubhouse Parking Lot at 8:00 am.   Est. time of return 11:00 am.  HIKE LIMITED TO FIRST 10 HIKERS TO SIGN UP. Please bring mask to wear when we gather in a group. 

 This is a favorite! We’ve again made arrangements to hike Canyon View Trail which is a short but rewarding private trail in Canyon Pass. From the trailhead, this picturesque trail climbs up a few switchbacks on a moderately steep but rocky trail (we will be climbing approx… 900’ in about a mile). We then wind around a ridge to the highest point where you will see wonderful views of much of Dove Mountain including the Canyon Pass Community and Wild Burro Canyon. We’ll have a quick snack before heading north and then wind back down on a trail that may have some difficult footing because of loose rocks. Bring water, a snack and your camera as there will be many worthwhile photo ops.  GREAT local hike and you’ll be home before lunch! 


Thursday, April 22 Highlands Golf Course    Pace: moderate/steady or set your own pace.  Level C+, 3.3 or 6.6 miles, 500ft

Hike Leader: Claudia Holzemer (408) 828-2860   Depart: 7:00am    Est. time of return: 10:00am

Hike Leader Bert Nestor 630-740-0605     Depart: 8:00a Est. time of return: 11:00am

Be aware we want to retain the privilege of walking on the golf course this one morning of the week. There are workers or golfers on the course, we have to watch for their vehicles and move out of their way. For April, golf starts on #10. (Check the Week Ahead to confirm). We leave together from hike meeting spot in the clubhouse parking lot.  We will start on the selected tee must be finished with this part by 9:00 am, and be off the course by 10:30am. You can choose to stop at the half-way point.  We leave together from hiking meeting spot in the clubhouse parking lot. It is not necessary for everyone to go at the same pace, since we can always knock on a neighbor’s door in case of emergency.  When you show up, PLEASE wear a mask at the meeting location in the parking lot to check-in for miles walked credit.  You can hike on your own. If you want Hiking Club miles credit, send an email to Dennis Eberlein (dcwe514@aol.com).  No sign up needed.  No carpool fee.

Friday, April 23  Carr Peak Loop (Huachucas). NEW HIKE and ADVENTURE HIKE. Pace: Steady Level A  13.4 miles  4000 ft est

Hike Leader:  Jackie Craig    jackiehc@yahoo.com  Depart 6:00 Est time of Return 5:30

There is a way to drive almost the entire way to Carr Peak but it is a scary road, plus why would hikers want to do that?  Instead, we will leave home at the crack of dawn to hike via beautiful Ramsey Canyon from the Nature Conservancy Trailhead.  Normally they charge a $6 fee but they may still be closed for COVID.  Just before the old mining village of Hamburg, we will divert from the Hamburg Trail onto the Comfort Springs Trail and eventually after a big climb, pass by the campground full of brave RV drivers who made it up that road.  From there we take the Carr Peak and Carr Peak Spur Trail to the Peak at 9220 ft.  Much the trail crosses peaks burned in the 1977 fire.  Eventually it reaches an eastern trending ridge where grassy savannah is important summer range for the white tailed deer.  The trail continues upward, and ultimately reaches dense brakes of young aspen.  The bald summit offers sweeping views of the tawny basins and hazy ranges in all directions: Patagonias, and Tumacacoris to the west, Santa Ritas and Whetstones to the north and Dragoons and Chiricahuas to the east. After lunch on the peak, we will continue on the loop and descend into Ramsey Canyon again via the Hamburg Trail.  Carpool with masks.  $12 carpool fee (206 miles )

Friday April 23  Josephine Saddle Loop – Super Trail  UP/ Old Baldy Down     Level: B, 6.2 miles, 1,900ft

Hike Leader: Gary Kvasnica (920) 740-7643 kvasnica@live.com   Depart: Highlands at 7:00 am with Est. time of return: 1:00 pm.

This hike in Madera Canyon is a beautiful plus for those doing Mt Wrightson the following Friday, a good practice run. We’ll take Super Trail and gently gain 1,680 feet over 3.7 miles to our turn around point at Josephine Saddle.  For those who haven’t been to the Santa Rita Mts. This hike is entirely in a forested area.  After a restful lunch break, we’ll return to the parking area using the quick decent Old Baldy Trail.  Pack a nice lunch, trail snacks, and at least two liters of water.  Nat’l Parks Senior Pass or fee required.

Saturday April 24 Wild Mustang Bench (Tortolita Mtn) Pace: Moderate, Level C+, 3 miles, 1000ft.

Hike Leader: Gary Kvasnica  920-740-7643  kvasnica@live.com  Depart 8:00 AM from the Ritz Coffee shop.   Est time of return 11:00 AM. 

This hike will start outside of the coffee shop.   If you would like coffee, you should get there earlier. We will hike to the bench on the Wild Mustang Trail via the hotel spur.   When we get to the bench, we will take in the views, have a short snack and then return the way we came.  This is a good work out that will get you home before lunch.    Bring plenty of water and a snack

Tuesday, April 27   Alamo Canyon (Catalina State Park)    Pace: Leisurely

 Level: C  4 miles 400 ft.   Hike Leader: Linda Hanson   520-744-4510 lindahanson913@gmail.com  Gordon Hanson 520-744-4510 gordonphanson@gmail.com Depart: 8:00 a.m.  Est. time of return: 11:30 p.m.

We will take a leisurely walk on an unmarked trail in Catalina State Park. The trail begins near Romero Ruins and takes us to a canyon where we might see a waterfall. We will stop frequently to view scenery and take pictures. Park entrance fee is $7 per vehicle or Arizona State Parks Pass.

Wednesday, April 28th  –  The Saddle Bench at Picacho Peak     Pace: moderate to steady    Level:  C+, 2.5 miles, 800ft.

Hike Leader: Claudia Holzemer (408) 828-2860, cholzemer@comcast.net   and John Holzemer (408) 828-7261, holzemer@comcast.net        

Meet at the Highlands parking lot 7:45am, Discuss carpool options       Depart 8:00 am  Estimated time of return 3:00pm

This hike will take the short and steep Hunter Trail on the front (east) side, with an 800 ft gain over 1.2 miles, we will return the same way.   The Hunter Trail begins its ascent on a series of switchbacks along the base of the cliffs as it works its way towards the saddle. This hike is a great strenuous short workout. The Saddle is a fantastic destination, offering expansive views both north and south for hundreds of miles across open desert. We will take a snack break at the Saddle so bring your camera. There’s a $7 per car entrance fee.  Golden Age Passport doesn’t apply.  After our hike we will have lunch at the FlightlineGrill at Pinal Airpark.   $4 carpool fee. 


Thursday, April 29   Highlands Golf Course    Pace: moderate/steady or set your own pace.  Level C+, 3.3 or 6.6 miles, 500ft

Hike Leader: Claudia Holzemer (408) 828-2860    Depart: 7:00am    Est. time of return: 10:00am

Hike Leader Bert Nestor 630-740-0605     Depart: 8:00a Est. time of return: 11:00am

Be aware we want to retain the privilege of walking on the golf course this one morning of the week. There are workers or golfers on the course, we have to watch for their vehicles and move out of their way. For April, golf starts on #10. (Check the Week Ahead to confirm). We leave together from hike meeting spot in the clubhouse parking lot.  We will start on the selected tee must be finished with this part by 9:00 am, and be off the course by 10:30am. You can choose to stop at the half-way point.  We leave together from hiking meeting spot in the clubhouse parking lot. It is not necessary for everyone to go at the same pace, since we can always knock on a neighbor’s door in case of emergency.  When you show up, PLEASE wear a mask at the meeting location in the parking lot to check-in for miles walked credit.  You can hike on your own. If you want Hiking Club miles credit, send an email to Dennis Eberlein (dcwe514@aol.com).  No sign up needed.  No carpool fee.

Friday, April 30  Lower Javelina Trail (Orientation Hike)  Pace: Leisurely

Level: D, 3 miles, 280 ft. Hike Leader: Gordon Hanson 744-4510  (home) gordonphanson@gmail.com        Depart 8:00am   Est. time of return: 10:30am

Orientation hikes are offered to members new to the Club, new to hiking in the desert, or current hikers looking for a pleasant short hike.  Orientation Program consists of a discussion and a sample 3-mile hike. Contact Gordon Hanson by Thursday to sign up. 

We will meet in the Highlands parking lot before departing to  Ritz trailhead in Wild Burro Canyon.  We’ll take the west portion of Lower Javelina trail gaining a little under three hundred feet, then drop back into Wild Burro Wash to return using the Wild Burro trail.  Bring water and a snack.    No carpool fee. 

We will practice social distancing when hiking but please bring masks to wear when in groups.

Friday April 30  Josephine Canyon (Madera Canyon)    Pace: Steady   Level: A-, 11.6 miles, 2000 ft.

Hike Leader: Jackie Craig 572-966   jackiehc@yahoo.com   Depart: 7:00am Est. time of return: 4:00pm

We hike up Old Baldy trail to Josephine saddle, then down the Josephine Canyon trail.  The trail winds gently down the canyon, following a streambed.  The vegetation is bountiful and beautiful, most notably some gigantic junipers lining the trail.  We will hike down to where the trail becomes a jeep road, then turn around.  Lunch will be at a unique three-sided miner’s shack.  Return on Old Baldy.  Golden Age Passport required, plus a $7 per person carpool fee. (118 Miles)

Friday April 30  Mt. Wrightson via Old Baldy Trail (Madera Canyon) Pace: Moderate, 

Level: A+, 10.8 miles, 4,053ft  Hike Leader: Gary Kvasnica (920) 740-7643 kvasnica@live.com 

Depart: Highlands at 7:00 am,  Est. time of return: 5:00 pm.

The 9,543ft Old Baldy is the tallest peak in the Santa Rita’s.  If you want to find out if you would be able to hike up the Grand Canyon, this is an excellent test.  Bring plenty of water, snacks and lunch.  Golden Age Passport or fee required in Madera Canyon.